You can be a hero.
Win a snazzy new system and wow your co-workers.
Imagine whipping out your new DFS/2 board, sparking on your Android tablet and slamming out a fish-study before your friends can fumble for their clipboards and pencils. It could happen. We’re giving away a brand-new Digital Fish Science Kit to one lucky winner.*
Fanfare and highly-improbable scenarios aside, what is Digital Fish Science all about? The DFS/2 system is designed for three things: increasing efficiency, increasing flexibility and decreasing risk for people who take fish-data.
I’m not the first to say it: fish-science is a slippery business (sorry); it’s only by super-human powers have we, until now, been able to obtain data worthy of our projects. We’re all familiar with the problems:
- the time it takes to transcribe from paper to computer
- errors in transcription
- the length of time from studies in the field to charts on your PC screen
- accuracy and repeat-ability of length measurements
- the inflexibility of paper-and-pen systems
Enter Digital Fish Science, the new way to take data, eliminating inefficiencies and risk from fish-studies.
With our tools, all your data is instantly available for download to your PC for analysis. Study “packages” with all the fish-data, all the species codes, all the location information, all the gear data, everything you’d need to archive and re-generate your study years from now, are created in a neat folder with a couple of taps on a tablet. Plus, there’s so much feedback during your study, you’ll wonder how you did without it. Put your super-human powers to other purposes, my friend, fish-data acquisition is covered.
Please pass this on to anyone you think would be interested in what we’re doing or in our give-away. If that person enters your name as a reference in their entry, you get another entry! Post the following link to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, you-name-it, you could dominate this drawing!
or, with more Human-speak,
(The above two links are equivalent; the top one is a bit shorter, which is better for Twitter)
What could go wrong?
If your work relates to the acquisition of fish-data for scientific studies or fishery management or commercial enterprises or (insert purpose here), we’d like to stay in-touch. Would you please sign up on our email list now, before you forget? We promise not to be annoying. We will not send you a bunch of emails, we’ll never send you any paper-mail and we’ll never, ever give out your information to anyone else, for any reason, even if they have a lot of money. Perhaps on the down-side, that means we will also not be sending you a card on your birthday or free movie tickets.
We hope you like what we’re doing, but if you see a way for us to improve, we’re all ears. You can write us, without entering into the drawing or joining the email-list, by writing to:
Thanks again for stopping by and we hope we see you often!
Big Fin Scientific
–> Click here to go to the snazzy contest entry page
* Lots and lots of restrictions apply to this give-away. For instance, we need to be able to verify the winner is part of an organization that studies fish and has practical use for the product, as opposed to, for instance, a college student who wants to use the fish-board for an air-guitar contest. Also, we need to obtain a minimum number of entries. You’ll get a full copy of the rules sometime after you sign up. You are going to sign up, right?